Sunday, May 27, 2012

YOU have found me!


My eyes, clouded with tears.
My heart, filled with fears.
Denial, Hatred, and Self-pity.
How worthless I thougt I could be.

Rejection leads to depression
The reason I took some caution
Some are like acting and pretending,
While deep inside, my heart is breaking.

Everything I hold on to, collapsed by a blink
I fell to the ground, and began to sink
I loss everything I used to have
My world crumbled more than in halves

My heart is searching,
it is empty and bleeding.
I kept on living for just one reason
and it is the fear of death alone.

I wanted to go back in time
and undo all the things in my life.
I want to restart, and do it all over,
hoping to make my life better.

I never thought it would be possible,
but through Him it is.
The promise of a new start,
was made real.

The longing I have was made complete.
Non-stop searching, You have fulfilled.
He searched for me and found me.
He reached out to me and saved me.

Excruciating, and agonizing pain that I felt before
You took away all of these and put it in the cross
You died for me, in spite of my sins and flaws
Words can never express my feelings and thoughts

You have shown Your love for me
By Jesus' death and resurrection
The cost that you have paid
For me to be with You forever

The light that You are giving
Will always clear my way
Whatever the enemy is throwing
I know that You will never fail

God, I surrender everything to You
You are my Savior and Deliverer
The Author of my Life, my Creator
You are my one and only Heavenly Father

*May, 19, 2012 11:09pm
*May 22, 2012 1:26am
*May 27, 2012 11:18pm
*May 19, sobrang overflow lang siya ng maisulat ko ito. It was shocking because I know for a fact that I'm not a writer nor write poems. Super amazing because God was the one giving all the words. He is the one who enabled me to write this poem. It has 3 dates cause' I tried polishing it and there it is. I just like to share this to all of you :)

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