Wednesday, May 30, 2012

"Dream and Reality"

We are happily walking down the town
With your arms wrapped around me and your hand interlocked with mine
You made me feel so special as if I'm a princess in my gown
Now I'm full of emotions that even I can't define

As we continuously walk, we talk about our future together
And I can't help but think that it is a "happily ever after"
All I want is to spend the rest of my life with you
Until we grew old and enjoy a beautiful, wonderful sunset view

Unexpectedly, we passed by her
The one you love for four years, your ultimate lover
Envy and jealousy took after
I thought, "Hey I'm so much better"

A wall was suddenly built around my heart
As problems and complications start to arise
More and more I felt that we're apart
While hoping that no one will say their goodbyes

A warm breeze follow after the cold season was over
And I'm so happy like a kid watching Chowder
Many things will come forth and we are not certain what would happen then
But in my mind, I'm just so relieved hoping that it would never happen again

I guess, I'm way getting ahead of myself
Thinking that our story would make it to the shelf
We broke up, yep, that's the fact
Because both of us wanted to go back

Go back where? You might ask.
The One who made us, to be exact
HE wanted both of us to come back to Him
And I'm so happy that we really did

At first it was hard, and t'was definitely sad
But He never fails to comfort me that makes me so glad
He didn't end there, and that's for sure brad
Ooooh, I'm overjoyed He is my DAD.

*This is based on my dream and a part of my story.

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