Monday, May 21, 2012

More of YOU, less of me.

The title itself says it all; this blog of mine is not like my other blogs that talks about me, my love life, my rants, and what-I-so-called-before “my complicated life” and all. This time, I dedicate this blog to the Author of my Life, the One who rescued, saved, accepted and loved me for who I am. It’s all about HIM, my Father in Heaven.

You might ask:

“Do I really have to write? Why do I have to write? And, what is my purpose in writing?”

To be honest, I asked those questions to myself as well. I thought about it and prayed about it.

My answer? No, I don’t have to write. It’s neither an obligation nor a responsibility, but I wanted to because I want to share my encounter and my experiences with God and just to share life and encourage other people.

My desire is for the people to see Him working and moving into my life. Not my works, but His works; not my plans, but my Father’s plans for me -- “For I know the plans I have for you, - plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and future (Jeremiah 29:11) [LET’s CLAIM and TAKE HOLD OF THIS PROMISE PEOPLE! =)]; not me, but Him.

I write out of the overflow that He has given me. Overflowing GRACE, Overflowing LOVE, Overflowing BLESSINGS. (LAHAT NA NG OVERFLOW!! YUN na YUN!) Because it is overflowing, I can’t contain it. That’s why I want to share it to you and to other people. :)) God is a generous God; He is a faithful God.

Hanggang dito na muna :)
I’ll write again as soon as I can. Hihihi

P.S. This is only the beginning. I know God has something more in stored for you and for me. YEY! C:

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