Tuesday, August 7, 2012


God can communicate with us and speak through us. And He can use anything to do that, a person, a book, a movie, music. Name it. He can and He is capable.


All cells share a common genome that possesses all the genes necessary to make any kind of plant cell.
  • Each and every person is like plant cells; and each of us shares a common genome, GOD. Through Him and By Him, we all have all the necessary things we need to live a life that He called us to have. The MERCY He has given. GRACE, the undeserved love, He has given to us. The LOVE, VALUE, SIGNIFICANCE and WORTH, He showed in the cross. And the NEW IDENTITY, that He gave. Through Him, we can live out the life He wants us to live- a righteous and holy life. It is not impossible because WE HAVE HIM IN US. HE MAKES EVERYTHING POSSIBLE.

Mature cells removed from a leaf or root can dedifferentiate in tissue culture and give rise to the diverse cell types of a plant.

  • When we mature in our walk with God, it doesn’t mean it is the end. We will always grow deeper and grow mature. And as we grow deeper and mature in our walk, we can dedifferentiate. For me, it means that we PASS THE BATON- we reach out to others mentor them, teach them- then it will give rise to another generation of diverse people who seek God, and will share the word of God. It doesn’t stop on us. There are generations out there to reach out, they may not be the same like us, because we are all made by God in a unique way. JESUS is the one that unites us. REPRODUCE YOURSELF (Sy, 2012) (figuratively).

Gene expression is the regulation of transcription and translation resulting in the production of specific proteins.

  • Let GOD regulate, moved and work in your life, then CHANGE happens. Let God be expressed in your life, then CHANGE happens. Let God be shown in your life and it will produce a life that God calls us to live out. And by that life, we can testify. We can be living testimonies just by expressing (communicating with God), transcribing (copying/imitating the life of Jesus), and translating (transformation that comes from God). We just don’t in COPY/IMITATE, BUT we TRANSFORM. He is the one who transforms us.
If all cells in one individual have the same genome, why are there so many different cell types?
  • Our link together is JESUS but we are created differently and uniquely by God’s hands. We are called by God differently. Our commonality only is that we are all sinners, and we NEED a SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST. He is our link, the ONE that bonds us all together.

A rainy day for me symbolizes the troubles, challenges, sadness we face in our life. But when we experienced rains, we don’t want to be stuck on it, right? We try to get out of it, we find ways, and we look for solutions. We look for a place to be safe in or to keep us safe.  The same way in our problems, troubles and challenges, we should not sulk on it and dwell on it. We should find ways to resolve it. WE LOOK INTO GOD. Why? Because HE is the one who will keep us safe in all those troubles. He will be the one who will save us from all of those things we face. GOD IS BIGGER AND GREATER than our problems.

God made us uniquely for a specific calling. God calls us in different places and for different functions. And He has assigned us for special functions for He knows where will be effective. He places us in a specific place for He knows that in there we will grow. Each and every person has its own calling. We are called by God differently but we are united by one body, GOD. (1 Cor 12)